Unique Opportunities at BCCHS

Bishop Carroll Catholic High School provides much of the same classes, athletics, activities, and services that most other high school provide to students.  However, Bishop Carroll provides students with unique opportunities that those elsewhere do not have enjoy.  Here are just a few of those:

 International Program – BC’s International Program is strong and growing stronger.  This year, by bringing in students from five different countries, the domestic students have been opened to new cultures and ways of life.  They have also made new friends and have experienced the joy of branching out and meeting new people.

 Pen Club – One of the most unique groups at BCCHS is the Pen Club.  Mr. Graffte works with students on how to use equipment to make beautiful pens and other items.  They learn about the materials that are best and are given the opportunity to experiment and try different things.

 Outdoorsmen Sports and Activities – While many schools have begun adding Rifle teams, Bishop Carroll was one of the leading schools in our area to establish a program.  Additionally, BCCHS also has an archery club as well as a trap shooting club.  All three of these programs meet the interests of a certain group of students and were established because they had interest.

 Esports – This is another program that was started because of student interests.  Now in their third full year of competition, the group participates in four different games across two different leagues.  The hope in the future is to add a component for junior high students to begin participation.

 Connections with SFU and MAC – As a Catholic high school, Bishop Carroll is uniquely positioned within 10 miles of two Catholic colleges.  Our shared relationship allows students to participate in many programs and events, especially with our Professor in Residence program.  Students can also take online courses at BC through SFU.  The Anatomy, Business, and Biology classes have all taken trips to SFU for certain events.

 Ambassadors – Bishop Carroll students work closely with the junior high students, running retreats and visit days, as well as travel to those schools for events like Read Across America Day.  This program helps foster the relationship and development of the junior high students as they prepare for high school.  It allows them to have mentors and role models in their lives as they prepare for the next step.

 Faith on Fire – Aside from academics, Bishop Carroll values faith above all else.  Faith development of our students is first and foremost, and allowing them to share their faith openly with classmates is beneficial.  We take time out of the schedule once a month to have these opportunities through fellowship time, speakers, movies, and discussion.

 All of these activities are helping to develop the leaders of tomorrow in a unique way!